Overseeding Before Rain

Overseeding before rain can result in a fine line being drawn between something that will benefit the result of a fall seeding and something that will wash all of your fescue seed away. Taking the necessary short and long term aftercare of seed and baby grass is an important consideration when determining how to overseed… Continue Reading

What Does Fertilizer Look Like?

What Does Fertilizer Look Like?

What does fertilizer look like? One of the most common questions that professional turf management companies are asked by their clients relates to the uncertainty that a scheduled service was actually performed or applied. Fertilizer for grass can vary widely in terms of appearance, especially where organic fertilizer is concerned, and when considering the differences… Continue Reading

Watering New Lawn Seed

Watering New Lawn Seed

Watering new lawn areas correctly after a fall seeding is vital to successful grass seed germination and maturation. A fescue lawn needs to have an overseeding service done each year to maintain a thick and healthy population of turf. When fall seeding is usually such an investment for homeowners, proper seeding aftercare is a key… Continue Reading

Winter Weeds

Winter Weeds

Winter Weeds… Is it A Side Effect of Aeration? Winter weeds can be an unexpected nuisance for many homeowners trying to cultivate a healthy fescue lawn. Winter weeds in lawn areas can be caused by several things, but in addition to the break in weed control taken when seed is put down, they can be… Continue Reading

How to Prep Lawn for Reseeding

How to Prep Lawn for Reseeding

“How to prep lawn for reseeding” and “preparing lawn for aeration” are some of the most commonly searched topics by homeowners during the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Aeration and seeding are fall lawn care services for most fescue lawns every year that go hand in hand. Fescue seed is needed to… Continue Reading

When to Lime a Lawn

When to Lime a Lawn

When to lime a lawn is an important consideration for the year to year care of fescue turf. Whether it’s calcitic lime, dolomitic lime, or even fast acting lime, knowing when and how to lime your lawn is a key part of keeping it healthy and Picture Perfect. For the most part, the most popular… Continue Reading

The Best Quality Grass Seed

The Best Quality Grass Seed

Why The Best Grass Seed Quality Matters for Fescue Overseeding The best grass seed can make a big difference in the success of your fall overseeding service. There are many brands and varieties of turf grass seed, but certain types of grass like fescue seed are purchased every year by homeowners and professionals that work… Continue Reading

Lawn Renovation

Lawn Renovation

Lawn renovation is in a lot of ways the “atomic bomb drop” of the turf management world. When tall fescue grass is your goal, this method of redoing lawn areas in your yard takes you from killing off a lawn in full to seeding fescue heavily and reestablishing uniform turf. Pursuing a fall lawn renovation… Continue Reading

The Aeration and Seeding Process

The aeration and seeding process for a fescue lawn varies in its steps between companies and whether it includes liquid aeration or core aeration, but there are some standards of practice that are universal and beneficial across the board. Picture Perfect Lawn Maintenance is a turf management company in the Richmond, Virginia area that specializes… Continue Reading

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