Category Archives: Common Issues

Mild Winter

Mild Winter

Mild winter and the impacts on your Lawn Mild winter sounds like a pleasant enough symptom of an increasingly variable climate. Less snow and fewer hard freezes means less hassle and less misery for many residents of the Greater Richmond area. However, there can be some serious long term consequences for lawns and landscaping when… Continue Reading

Fescue and Heat

Fescue and Heat

Fescue and heat are fighting an age old battle that many homeowners will be facing during the months of summer. As RVA enters May, weather patterns continue to fluctuate and the average daytime temperature drives up into the 80s and 90s. Turf type tall fescue, the lawn of choice for most residents of the Greater… Continue Reading

Grub Control

Grub Control included in The Picture Perfect Plus Package Grub control is a valuable component to a thorough turf management program, but like nutsedge control as discussed in the previous installment of our Plus Package series, it is considered an elective service and kept as an option separate from a standard maintenance program. While every… Continue Reading

Fungus Control

Fungus Control is included in The Picture Perfect Plus Package, Part Three Fungus control is often disregarded as a nonnecessity for fescue lawns by many homeowners and professionals alike. While it is true that the majority of fescue lawns do not experience detrimental rates of fungus during the average growing season, it can quickly become… Continue Reading

Mosquito Control

Safe Treatments for Outdoor Pests Mosquito control can be a make it or break it for many residential properties during the warm parts of the year. For many homeowners who enjoy active lifestyles with their family and pets, it’s an annual grievance to dash outside to play in the yard the first warm weekend of… Continue Reading

Dormant Bermuda In Fescue

Dormant Bermuda In Fescue   In this blog, Picture Perfect will explain Dormant Bermuda In Fescue.   It’s the middle of winter, and for fescue lawns like those seen in the Chesterfield, VA area, this means dormancy. Like other plants, fescue grass will go dormant when weather conditions aren’t ideal for development and growth. Because… Continue Reading

Fall Leaves On The Lawn

Fall Leaves On The Lawn

Fall Leaves On The Lawn The beautifully cultivated all-American lawn is the ultimate dream for most homeowners, but there are endless challenges that face us in the pursuit of that Picture Perfect lawn. During the winter, hard frosts set the stage for potential damage to broken grass blades. In the spring and summer, there is… Continue Reading

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